Monday 28 May 2007


Our downstairs neighbours have a new puppy - called Homer. He is so very very cute! He is allegedly a month old, but he looks much younger than that to me. Apparently, his mother was killed by a car which is why he's been taken away so young.

Unfortunately, although he was full of beans when he first arrived a few days ago, he is now very listless and we are really worried about him. We have fed him, made him a bed, picked off his fleas (and maggots - ew! but I think he just rolled in those!) and had lots of cuddles but he isn't responding. It's breaking our hearts. He just lies around looking sad and this morning we had to feed him with a syringe. There is no vet on the island at the moment.

Does anyone know of anything else we could do? I haven't had a puppy since 1986........

These are the other dogs we live with. They are being very nice to Homer.

This is the appropriately named Brownie.

Amazingly, the black dog is called Blackie. The other one is called Back.


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