Friday 18 May 2007


This is a bad photo - I tried to crop and enlarge but I'm not very bright. It says:

Roadwork compliments of
Pothole Elimination Program
For Peace of Mind on our Roads
The Universal Peace Foundation

The Universal Peace Foundation are the Moonies- hey, they fix the potholes! For free!

There are quite a few potholes in the roads, none of them are really really bad (with the exception of the giant hole near our place), unlike the state of Chuuk. There is a joke about Chuuk:

"How can you tell the difference between a drunk and sober driver in Chuuk? The sober driver swerves all over the road, the drunk goes in a straght line".

Apparently the potholes make the maximum speed you can go about 5 miles an hour. Which begs the question as to why people drive at all in the small town. But Micronesians LOVE their cars. Don't get me started.

But curiously, in Pohnpei people will overtake around blind corners at speed and let toddlers hang unsupported out car windows but the WILL NOT drive over a pothole - even if the "hole" is less than 2cm deep. The drivers prefer to swerve directly into oncoming traffic than drive over it. I love this place - it's totally crazy to my poor westernised sensilbilities.

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