Monday 10 September 2007


Oh dear,

A few special visitors, a trip to the islands of the FSM and a trip to Palau, and the blog goes out the window. I did point out to Ben that perhaps HE could post a few more things, but to no avail. He is very stubborn.

But, to the issue at hand. Whoops. No posts. Sorry. I'm still doing much better than Sophia Rahmani though (sorry Soph, but it is true).

I got back from a trip to Palau last week, having attended a Parliamentarians conference there. Wow, Palau is really cool. It has strict environmental protection laws that seem to be enforced, and they have gorgeous aquamarine coloured water and sandy beaches out on the rock islands.

The time I spent there was very short, I didn't have much spare time at all as it was all conference, conference, conference. I didn't even get the change to go to the Indian restaurant I was so looking forward to patronising! But I did have a lot of fun, ate a lot of lobster and crabs and other seafood, drank my fair share of wine and enjoyed Saturday with the conference delegates out on the rock islands swimming and picnicing.

I also managed to get 3 dives in on the first day of the conference (didn't start until 8.30pm!) which were lots of fun. Unfortunately I got a very sudden mask squeeze, and even though I cleared it I did manage to burst all the little blood vessels around my eyes. Ew. It made me look about 15 years older and very haggard. I have now placed an order on strawberrynet for expensive skin care products to placate my new fear that my future face has that look in store for me.

I'll bring the camera to work tomorrow. In the meantime, there is a cool montage of photos of the FSM at:

It's Pohnpei's local paper. Check it out!


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